
10th Annual Schomberg Farm Tour March 8th

March 5, 2014   ·   0 Comments

If you haven’t already, mark March 8th, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in your calendar for the 10th Annual Schomberg  Farm Tour. 

On this day, you will tour a variety farms for the purpose of education, learning about the bounty of the local food movement – from farm to your table! You and your family will understand the work and natural resources required to produce food, visiting with the animals and farmers, and in some cases, even experiencing the way farms were run before automation… all of this, while enjoying the great outdoors. What  great way to kick off the March Break!

Tickets are $10 per vehicle and can be purchased the week prior to the Farm Tour at the following locations: Schomberg Rona,  Schomberg True Garden Supplies, Schomberg Pharma Choice, Richvale Saddlery, Tottenham Feed Service, Nobleton Feed Mill, Alliance Agric Turf Bolton and Nobleton Feed Mill.

On the day of the tour you may obtain a ticket at the Schomberg Community Hall, 325 Main Street Schomberg.

Lunch will also be available to those interested at the Hal. Enjoy a hot dog, homemade soup and or chili. For more information visit or call 905 859-0834.

Don’t forget to dress for the weather!

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