
A reminder from the OPP

February 19, 2014   ·   0 Comments

The OPP  are reminding motorists that not every OPP vehicle is black and white in colour with a set of roof lights.

The OPP utilizes a number of different vehicles to effectively provide a professional police service within the Province of Ontario. Some vehicles will have subdued OPP markings, while other vehicles are completely unmarked in appearance. One thing that is common in all types of police vehicles is that a combination of red and blue lighting is utilized to alert motorists to either pull over or stop for the police. Drivers are also reminded to ‘Move Over’ where they can or to slow down and pass with caution when they see a police or other emergency vehicle stopped at the side of a road.

Police officers normally wear an identifiable working uniform or they can be in what is commonly referred to as ‘plain-clothes’. A badge and warrant card also serves as a means to properly identify all police officers.

Motorists are also reminded that traffic stops can occur at anytime and anyplace, but police will always try to conduct such a stop where it is safe for both the motorist and the police officer.

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