
Archaeologist speaks on Beeton site

June 21, 2013   ·   0 Comments

On June 1st, Dr. Marti Latta from the University of Toronto returned to Beeton and held a lecture regarding the towns’ archaeological dig.

In 1976 a team of archaeologists were informed about possible remains of a First Nations tribe, on a site at Concession 6 and 10th Sideroad.

Dr. Latta was invited by residents, and presented her findings to a large group of people.

Throughout the lecture residents learned about the site’s history, including: information, and artifacts gathered during the dig.

Many archaeological digs occurred in York Region and North Simcoe, but very few in the southern region of Simcoe County. Dr. Latta’s presentation contained a slideshow of the numerous artifacts discovered, but the information that was learned during the dig was extremely fascinating for those who attended.

The dig was lengthy and precise, covering an area of approximately three acres. The team consisted of a professional crew, including a group of undergraduate students from the University of Toronto’s Scarborough campus. Dr. Latta stated that the dig was considered to be successful, due to its findings.

Numerous items were uncovered which lead to information regarding the tribes hunting methods, housing, and lifestyle.

The archaeological crew learned that the occupying tribe was of Iroquois decent. Arrowheads, clay pipes, pots, pottery, and other items were discovered.

Dr. Latta stated the tribe occupied the land between 1500-1600, and consisted of approximately 1000 people. The village spanned three acres, and longhouses were used for shelter and housing of the people. The crew determined that the people survived by hunting deer and fishing.

The archaeological dig of 1976 not only increased our understanding of the Iroquois tribe, but also adds to Simcoe County’s renowned history.

By Michael Tomasone


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