
Award of tenders

July 17, 2014   ·   0 Comments

• Pro Trade Plumbing has been awarded the tender for the for the supply of all labour, material, travel and equipment as necessary to provide plumbing repairs, technical and emergency services to residential sanitary sewers, water supply systems, and water and wastewater facilities within the Town of New Tecumseth. Council has authorized a five year contract with Pro Trade Plumbing effective December 1, 2014 to November 30, 2019;

• Council has awarded the tender for ‘Microsurfacing Type II with Superpave 12.5FC1 and Localized Surface Treatment’ to Duncor Enterprises Incorporated for the tendered price of $238,528 plus HST with a contingency allowance of $23,852.80. Duncor will resurface Queen Street South in Tottenham from the south limit to Mill Street; Queen Street North from Mill Street (North Curb Edge) to Nolan Road and the 3rd Line (various patches) from the 10th Sideroad and County Road 10 3,500. Thomas Street from Dayfoot Street to Centre Street North in Beeton and Stewart Street from Dayfoot Street to Patterson Street also in Beeton may also get done;

• Council has given staff the thumbs-up to retain Diamond Municipal Solutions to provide financial information system software, consulting and implementation services for the upset fee of $309,958 and maintenance fees for the next 10 years totaling $310,111 plus HST. Council has approved the purchase of SOL server licenses for the upset fee of $7,000 as well as a 5 per cent project contingency allowance in the amount of $15,970. The overall unfavourable purchase price of $13,663.40 will be funded by the Gas Tax Reserve fund.

By Wendy Gabrek

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