
AWARE Simcoe looks to implement new vision for Simcoe County

March 28, 2013   ·   0 Comments

In recent years Simcoe County has expanded at an expediential rate, with substantial economic and population growth. Many of the 16 municipalities within Simcoe County have become commuter towns, an area where people sleep before heading off to work in different cities. Approximately 90% of the County’s residents leave the area to go to work. Urban sprawl has taken over the majority of York Region, and AWARE Simcoe was developed to prevent urban sprawl from taking over Simcoe County. Every municipality has a vision for the county, and works hard to create it. AWARE Simcoe was created by the people, to monitor county and municipal governments for openness and accountability. Similar to the local governments it monitors, AWARE Simcoe also has a vision for the County. AWARE strives to provide Simcoe County with a healthy environment, agricultural prosperity, development that is a net benefit to the community, bringing employment home, reliable sustainable energy, awareness of the need for sustainability, and healthy lifestyles. AWARE Simcoe has highlighted two steps to achieving its goals. Local governments need to develop and explore new economic strategies, and realize the consequences of population growth are the two steps that need to be completed for AWARE Simcoe to achieve its goals. AWARE puts a strong emphasis on protecting the water, and environment of the area. Three area of concern are renewable resources, non-renewable resources, and waste management.

The majority of Simcoe County relies on groundwater for its main source of water. As the population grows, the amount of groundwater removed from the earth increases, and eventually it will be depleted. With the development of Simcoe County, a lot of the County’s land is being altered for specific uses. Asphalt and concrete reduces the replenishment of groundwater, and increases the chance of contamination. Development and growth is key to the County’s future, but AWARE Simcoe focuses on the proper type of development. AWARE stands up against proposed development on the County’s farmland. Southern Ontario’s land seemed to be endless at one point, but at a closer look it’s quite the opposite. In thirty years from 1971-2001, Ontario lost 14, 000 square kilometers of farmland and an additional 157,000 acres between 2006-2011. Ontario has some of Canada’s most fertile land. Approximately 80% of the country’s prime farmland (classifications 1-4) is located within Southern Ontario. The use of land has become a major issue at all government levels, and AWARE is fighting to protect Simcoe County’s farmland.

AWARE is working to make Simcoe County a zero waste municipality, replacing the word waste with resource. In 40 years Canada has experienced growth throughout the entire country. The country’s growth has been vital to its future, and where it stands today. With all the growth and expansion, Canada’s environment has been damaged. From 1961 to 2003, the average Canadian’s footprint grew from 4.6 to 7.6 global hectares per person. The average Canadian’s footprint is 4.3 times greater than the bio capacity (the ability of an area to provide resources, and absorb waste) the earth can provide for each person. AWARE has focused on reducing the amount of waste Simcoe County creates each year, and aims to replenish the environment to the best of its ability. AWARE Simcoe realizes that the physical, and social economic concepts are constantly changing, and it focuses on ensuring that they don’t have a negative impact on Simcoe County’s environment.

By Michael Tomasone


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