May 14, 2014 · 0 Comments
The present Beeton Lions Club has been in existence since 1999 serving the community of Beeton and beyond through the volunteer work of its members. The important work carried out by the Lions organization relies on those volunteers. The need for more members was a critical issue. Following several attempts to increase membership with little success the club has made the decision to cease operations as of June 30/14.
What are some of the activities that have been carried out by the Lions in Beeton and area? The Lions over the years have supported such community groups and organizations such as Guides, minor soccer, minor hockey, free family skate program, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Christmas Hamper program Stevenson Memorial Hospital, Simcoe Manor, Girls on the Run program, Beeton Library, Matthews House, provided the Grade 8 Community Service Award at both local schools, provided prize monies for the Childrens’ Division at the Beeton Fall Fair and assisted local families or individuals in need. The club hosted the Friday Night Jams at the Beeton Legion. Twice a year the club carried out a road cleanup of the main street of Beeton with the final one being carried out on April 26. These are just a few of the many groups and activities supported or carried out by the Lions over the years of its existence. Outside of Beeton and area the Lions supported four special camps that include CNIB Camp Lake Jo, Lions Camp Dorset for Dialysis, Ontario Camp for the Deaf and Camp Huronda for Diabetes. Residents of Beeton and area have made use of all four camps. Local Lions also support the Lions Foundation of Canada which trains special skill dogs for various needs such as sight impaired, hearing dogs and other special skill dogs. Monies raised by the Lions also go towards assisting in such disasters resulting from earthquakes, major floods, tornados and hurricanes. The prevention of blindness is a world-wide program supported by Lions. Lions carry out a vision screening program in schools throughout Simcoe County and Muskoka. All these activities and projects are just a few of many supported by the Beeton Lions Club.
The Beeton Lions would like to thank the community for its support over the past years.