August 1, 2013 · 0 Comments
Dear editor:
This is an open letter to the following:
The Mayor and Members of Council
The Tottenham and District Chamber of Commerce
The Beeton and Tottenham Business Improvement Area
As you are all aware Tottenham is set to grow. Mill St. is being torn up and the new residential area is being prepared for home construction.
I am writing today concerning the new commercial development at the south end of Tottenham, at the corner of the 3rd Line and Tottenham Rd. I should like to make it clear that I am very much in favour of new commercial development in Tottenham. However, I have serious concerns with the site plan for this development.
The proposal is to build in a “C” shape with the parking in the middle. Entrance from Tottenham will be a left turn off the 3rd line and a left turn into the parking. My concern is that what will be for the very conceivable future the entrance to Tottenham for the many people who come for the South Simcoe Stream Train, the Bluegrass Festival, the Classic Car Show is that the building will only show the backs of the buildings to the public entering Tottenham.
The buildings should be on the north and east sides of the lot, with gardens, flag poles and perhaps a welcome to Tottenham sign. The current configuration is a cold unwelcoming commercial equivalent of a jail building from the late 1800’s. Please talk to the developers and make them realize that this is not the entrance to Tottenham we should have.
Stuart Starbuck,