May 2, 2013 · 0 Comments
Council has approved $147,500 in grant and donation requests from community groups.
Under the general ‘Grants and Donations’ category, $27,000 was awarded by the Review Committee, leaving the a zero balance in the account, although $57,200 worth of grants were applied for.
New grants in this category include $500 to the Alliston BIA for Potato Festival advertising and $1,000 to The Door Youth Centre. The Renegade Derby Dames and Help The Kids Play, who applied for $1,500 and $1,200 respectively (and did not receive a donation in 2012) were turned away. The Beeton lawn Bowling Club also had their donation cut in half (from $2,000 in 2012 to $1,000 in 2013) as did the Alliston Nikolettes (who received $2,000 in 2012 and $1,000 in 2013). The dance group applied for $10,000.
In the Community Events category, council approved $30,5000 in grant applications, leaving a zero balance in this account also.
All of the 2012 recipients had their grant applications approved for the same amount as 2012, except the Simcoe County Plowmen’s Association, who lost $50 (from $300 in 2012 to $250 in 2013). New this year was a $2,000 grant to the Youth Arts by The River, an initiative of the South Simcoe Arts Council.
Grant requests were also up in this category with $42,750 in grant applications received.
In The Arts, Culture & Tourism category, council approved $90,000 in applications. Clearing out the account here too.
The South Simcoe Arts Council, the South Simcoe Railway and The Gibson Cultural Centre Corporation each received $25,000.
Two new grant amounts were approved in this category: $10,000 to the Gibson Theatre School and $2,000 to Sunday Music in The Park.
While approving the grants and budget applications, council also increased the amount of a sponsorship award presented during graduation ceremonies at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School in Tottenham and Banting Memorial High School in Alliston from $150 to $250. The funds will be taken from the Links for Learning Scholarship Reserve, which currently has a balance of $73,977.
By Wendy Soloduik