
County of Simcoe educates students on emergency preparedness

August 13, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Recent severe weather in our region has highlighted the importance of being prepared for emergencies and disasters. The County of Simcoe Emergency Management program leads emergency preparedness training for the public across the region.

One of the educational programs that Simcoe County Emergency Management offers, in partnership with local fire services, is the Student Emergency Preparedness (STEP) program.

Launched during Emergency Preparedness Week in May 2012, the STEP program introduces students to the types of emergencies to prepare for in Simcoe County, such as tornadoes, floods, extreme weather, chemical spills, and power outages. It also helps students learn how to create a family emergency plan, and shows them what to include in an emergency preparedness kit. Students are then encouraged to teach their parents and families about what they have leaned and develop an emergency preparedness kit at home.

Students who participate in the STEP program have the opportunity to enter a draw for a Canadian Red Cross 72-Hour Disaster Kit. This spring, Emergency Management Simcoe County presented the STEP program to more than 1,100 elementary school students across the region. This spring’s winner is Connor Neil, a student at Nottawa Elementary School. Connor was presented with the emergency preparedness kit in front of his classmates on Friday, June 27, 2014.

“Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by the severe weather our region received in recent weeks,” said Warden Cal Patterson. “These unfortunate incidents serve as a reminder that we all need to be prepared for disasters. On behalf of County Council, I would like to congratulate Connor, and all the participants in the STEP program, for taking an active role in helping our families and communities become better prepared.”

To learn more about the STEP program and how to be prepared for an emergency, visit

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