April 11, 2013 · 0 Comments
Adjala-Tosorontio council has placed a moratorium on severing houses off farms purchased by neighbouring farmers until a full review of the process is completed.
The moratorium was suggested by councillor Doug Little who has expressed concerns about the impact of the policy in the past.
Currently, a farmer can sever the house on a property if it is an addition to his current holdings.
“I really am concerned about what we are doing in the future to farmland. By allowing the severances, we are essentially preventing a future farmer from building a house on the property.”
Little also raised concerns about the policy encouraging the elimination of smaller farms from the municipality. “With specialty farming these days, people can make a living from a 50 or 100 acre farm but it’s a lot less doable if there isn’t a house there for them to live in.”
Township planning staff will report back to council on the issue.
By Richard Blanchard