
Crack video and Elvis were never in the building

June 21, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

It was with deep regret that the polling firm, Ipsos–Fatso must report that the percentage of people supporting Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has not moved. This is in spite of the best mudslinging efforts of Pravda (otherwise known as the Toronto Red Star) and its reporters to manufacture a crack smoking video of Mr. Ford. They are still looking for the video. They are also still looking for a reported sighting of Elvis on Beeton’s Main Street. The Star’s reporters claim to have seen the damning video but cannot confirm the Elvis sighting.

It is also curious that the Star, in its extreme efforts to smear Mr. Ford and his family for years, has opted to virtually ignore the billion dollar hydro plant moves by the McGuilty–Wynne Liberal government weeks before the 2011 election. That of course was to save Liberal seats. But the Star buried the story back with the funny papers. They were too busy smearing the Ford family. The punk who runs the me-too Globe and Mail claims that Doug Ford ran a dope ring back in the day. He’s looking for Elvis too.

The bottom line is that many of us out here in the real world have not the slightest confidence in the integrity or honesty of most of today’s media. They are the product of a left-wing education system. They hate Mayor Rob Ford because they consider him to be “right wing”. Anything resembling common sense is considered “right wing” by the evil elitists of left wingism. No, and Ford is again not marching in the “pride” parade this year. Neither is Elvis. Another reason the Star and their “elites” hate Ford and his diverse nation.

Gord Kinnon,

New Tecumseth


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