
Degenerating UN

March 13, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

The United Nations was founded in 1945 with a purpose to solve the world’s problems. Since then it has degenerated into a political cesspool. A recent example was the refusal to put Canada on the Security Council. This resulted from the fact that China owns the electrical suppliers in a number of countries. So they voted for Portugal, that is if they wanted their lights left on. And now we have an academic telling us what we should do in Canada. I cannot find anything constructive that Olivier de Shutter has done. All he has done is write a few books and spout socialist theories. I can only guess at the astronomical salary the UN pays him. He is employed by the UN to study hunger in the world and recommend ways to improve the situation. Instead he came to Canada for 11 days and most likely stayed in five star hotels where he mouthed venom on everything under the sun regarding our culture. He didn’t go anywhere where there were no five star hotels. Canadians should be aware that the 2013 budget for the United Nations is $5,152 BILLION dollars. Canada’s assessment is $76,040,734 MILLION dollars. I think any person with reasonable common sense would say get out. Belonging to the UN is doing Canada no good. As of this year there are 193 members. Except for the western nations these are dictatorships or manipulated democracies. Multitudes of bureaucrats from these countries live in five star hotels in New York at our expense while their people live in poverty. So you can see that Canada is not going to win many votes. If you travel outside Canada you can look back and realize how lucky we are to live in such a stable, prosperous environment.

Bob Young,



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