
Don’t need the Trail

April 24, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

I thought the pompous little popinjay had died. But Richard Kelly has been resurrected from the dead just in time for Easter and the full moon. Comrade Kelly doesn’t like anyone else having an opinion contrary to his own. His petty attempts at humour lay eggs that have a lot of sour hang time. Keep your cushy public sector day job, Comrade!

We need Trans Canada Trail like we need hemorrhoids. We have a route which goes across this great country. The route is called railroads. Exponents of the Trail sing the praises of a need for “exercise”. I’m all for exercise. It is most efficiently done by engaging in a physical activity called work! Digging, raking, lifting, carrying, etc. Staying in shape. Eating less, defecating more. Lose some weight, fat boys and girls. Only don’t expect me or WD to underwrite your anti-whale weight-loss program with schemes and other Nanny State scams, be they happy Roy Rogers trails for hiking, cycling, ogling or running from coyotes and bears. Don’t expect the taxpayer to pay for all your needs and wants. Take ownership for something!

Gord Kinnon, New Tecumseth

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