General News

Early spring means bears are out early

March 22, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

With a warmer spring this year, the bear population will become active earlier in the year and start foraging for food.

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has a bear reporting hotline in case you spot one of the creatures locally.

While most bears in the province are located north of the Simcoe County area, bears sometimes do travel south when looking for food.

If you do see a bear roaming in your neighbourhood, you should report it to the hotline. If an animal exhibits threatening or aggressive behaviour or is an immediate threat, call 9-1-1.

Black bears usually come out of hibernation in mid-April, however, warmer weather and rainy conditions mean they are out early this year.

The Ministry reported 18 bear sightings already this year up to March 1.

You should call the bear hotline if you have a bear that roams around or looks in garbage cans, breaks into a shed where garbage or food is stored, is in a tree, or is spotted in a backyard or field.

If a bear poses an immediate threat, you should immediately notify local police.

An immediate threat includes entering a schoolyard when school is in session, stalking people, attempting to enter a residence, wandering into a public gathering, or killing livestock or pets and lingering at the site.

If you do encounter a bear, the Ministry has guidelines for what you should, and should not do.

You should slowly back away while keeping the bear in sight. Throw objects and make noise. Prepare to use bear spray. Quickly get inside a building or vehicle if nearby. Drop any food you are carrying and move away slowly.

If you encounter a bear, you should not run, climb a tree, or swim. Do not kneel down or approach the bear. Never attempt to feed a bear. If you have a dog with you, do not let it off its leash.

If you do spot a bear, it is requested you call the reporting hotline at 1-866-514-2327.

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