
Essa Township fined $50,000 over accident

March 13, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Essa township has been fined $50,000 by the provincial Ministry of Labour under the Occupational Health and Safety Act for a violation which lead to an accident involving a township roads department employee last January.

The fine levied last month followed the investigation of an accident in January, 2012 when a part time roads department employee was changing the equipment for sidewalk snowplowing  at the Public Works building in Angus.

Ice had formed inside the unheated building and the employee slipped and his arm was caught inside the auger. It took several hours to release the man from the auger and he spent several weeks in a Toronto hospital.

A safety guard had been removed from the equipment prior to the accident.

Township mayor Terry Dowdall said Monday that the township had accepted responsibility for the accident and pleaded guilty in Toronto.

“We have always taken our employees health and safety very seriously.

We regret that the accident happened and are glad that the young man has returned to the township as full time employee. Since the accident, we have reviewed our safety steps so that this sort of accident will not happen again including better equipment inspection and maintenance and improved training for all of our staff.”

The $50,000 payment has been included in the township’s budget for 2013


By Richard Blanchard


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