
Everett Secondary Plan passage delayed until June

April 25, 2013   ·   0 Comments

The controversial new Secondary Plan for the village of Everett which would allow an increase in the village’s population to almost 10,000 people won’t be coming to Adjala-Tosorontio council until its June meeting.

Council members were told Monday night by its planning staff that the township continues to work on answering questions about the plan from other government agencies.

Jacquie Tschekalin told council that township staff has meet with Simcoe County to discuss its concerns about the proposal. The township is also in the process of hiring a planning consultant Gord Russell to assist with the competition of the plan.

A letter will be sent to New Tecumseth about its concerns about the impact of proposed new commercial development in Everett on its commercial core in Alliston. Urbanmetrics who conducted a market study on the impact of future commercial growth in the township on New Tecumseth will also be updating its information.

The township is also in the process of hiring Borden Ladner Gervais, a Toronto law firm, to prepare the groundwork if an Ontario Municipal Board hearing follows the passage of the bylaw.

By Richard Blanchard


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