January 15, 2016 · 0 Comments
Dear editor:
Sugartones would like to thank each member of the community who supported their fundraising efforts this year. With your help, every member of the women’s a cappella Barbershop chorus was able to attend Harmony Inc.’s 56th International Convention and Contest in Verona N.Y. this past November. Sugartones proudly represented the Alliston area for the first time in this event and now rank 24th of all women’s Barbershop style choruses in North America.
Sugartones recently performed in Alliston at the Hometown Christmas event as well as the popular event First Light at Ste. Marie among the Hurons in Midland. They were also featured on Roger’s community TV for their holiday programming.
Women of all ages who love to sing are invited to join Sugartones for three free guest nights in January. Guests are welcome Monday nights for three weeks at Kingsmere Retirement Suites in Alliston beginning January 11–25 from 7–9 p.m. Experience the fun of singing a cappella in the Barbershop style. Come find your voice!
Sheila Fowler,