April 25, 2013 · 1 Comments
Dear editor:
We the taxpayers, and the councils employers, have advocated for sometime now that there should be a cap on taxes and a reduction in debt.
The council on the other hand since election and inheriting our money so to speak has lost its hearing.
A sorry case indeed; as a matter of fact they have become addicted to spending or borrowing money in our name. They don’t seem to be hearing the message a long shot but perhaps we can get through to them with a suggestion.
Why don’t we freeze the salary of all those being paid over $100,000.00/year, allow the working employees’ salary to increase as usual and cut the size of the staff by attrition. Surely every effort must be made to contain costs or are we just going to let spending run wild.
Tom Carter
I’m with you 100% on a freeze. Except we should extend it to all township employees.