
Glad the stop sign is gone

March 26, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

In reply to the letter from Donna Knapp about the removal of the stop sign at Main Street and Tecumseth Street in Beeton – I live on Tecumseth Street and I’m so glad that the sign was removed. I cross over Main Street at least twice a day and was nearly hit twice. At least now I can wait until the traffic goes by and then cross when it’s safe. I saw an SUV coming to a sharp stop and crunching into the ice at the side of the road. He really must have damaged his car.

It may sound that the trucks are speeding through but I don’t think they are exceeding the speed limit. Perhaps the speed limit should be reduced.

I’m sorry you have trouble with the traffic and noise on Main Street, but it is the main thoroughfare. By the way, no one asked me if the stop sign should be removed.

Dorothy McNab,


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