
Harper’s war on science

July 4, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

Remember the omnibus budget bill C–38 that Stephen Harper’s Conservative Government passed last year? It contains proposals that could be seriously damaging to Canada’s environment. The Official Opposition did its best by bringing its own bills to the House of Commons to counteract those proposed by the Conservatives. But, as expected, Mr. Harper’s minions voted them all down.

Now, frightening damage could be on our doorstep. In the June issue of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Joyce Nelson has written a detailed and well-researched article on the dozens of scientific programs that are indeed important to the health of our environment that have been dismantled or slashed.

When I read the complete list, I was appalled. There’s not enough space here to give all the details. It would take an entire newspaper page, but a few examples will indicate the seriousness of what’s happening.

From 2012 and into 2013, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has discontinued a total of five programs, including the Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Energy Research, also, Species–at–Risk. That same department has had to slash another five programs which include the Institute of Ocean Sciences.

Then there’s Environment Canada with seven programs discontinued and six slashed. They are all vitally important but I’ll name the first to be cut right out – Environmental Emergency Response Program. And with it in the slashed section is Protection Operations.

As if that isn’t enough. The following four departments have been slashed: Health Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the Nation Research Council and Transport Canada. With at least forty more programs discontinued or slashed, is it any wonder that her article is titled, ‘The Harper Government’s War on Science’.

Joyce Nelson begins with these words, “Canada’s Information Commissioner, Susan Legault, is investigating the muzzling of federal scientists, but far more troubling is the actual elimination of scientific programs and the firing of scientists”.

I can’t help thinking that if all this continues, we may be returning to some form of the Dark Ages.

Betty Anderson


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