Commentary, Opinion


July 10, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Dr. Ted Vandevis

One of the most gratifying and inspiring opportunities I ever received was to be appointed as chair of the reconstituted Board of Directors of Stevenson Memorial Hospital in 2007. 

I’d had earlier opportunities in my career to found and lead a number of provincial, national, and international organizations, and it was really meaningful to be able to lead the leaders of the newly formed Hospital Board in 2007. The Hospital was on the verge of collapse, and we were going to make sure that didn’t happen. It’s fine to hope it won’t happen, yet another to take action to make sure it doesn’t.

I was fortunate to begin as chair with two members of the prior board, namely Hart Holmstrom and the late John Ytsma. Two pillars in the community and two quietly intellectual Directors tuned into the lifeblood of the residents and into the psyche of the catchment area. 

We were truly blessed. 

But it didn’t end there. Joining the new board at the same time were Alliston Hornets’ greatest supporter and community leader Pat Morrison who provided a grounded perspective, finance expert, and one of SMH’s greatest fans Debbie Hudson, Chief of Staff and loved local pediatrician Dr. Trevor Hunt, accomplished KPMG executive and senior partner John Swinden, well-known Tottenham pharmacy owner Al Dresser, financial wizard Scott Anderson, legal expert Paul Farley, Honda executive Gille Madore, HR specialist with Gibson Transport Marilyn Lawrence, longtime leader and workhorse of the Auxiliary Beryl Burroughs, President of the Medical Staff Dr. Oswald Ramirez, Chief of Staff Dr. Trevor Hunt and Foundation Chair Jean Baker-Pearce. Brilliant minds, every one of them.

Each contributed their perspective and then rallied around a common decision based on the best information at the time and in the best interest of the organization. Governance at its best. Not to be forgotten, of course, was our fabulous shepherd Sharon Knicely and our energetic and vibrant CEO Gary Ryan. One well-oiled machine working for the good of the community.

It’s no different now. We have Norm Depta leading the present board, which is comprised of none of the 2007 members. That’s a really good thing because continual renewal is key to the lifeblood of any organization. Please get to know this board. Look them up. Find out what makes them tick. They continue to carry the Stevenson torch. They are making decisions on your behalf. They are helping Stevenson to continuously improve. If they do their job well, in several years, you won’t see any of their names on the then new board as recruitment of new members is key to a living board.     

All of our leaders, past and present, give tirelessly and lovingly of their time and talents. We owe it to them to support our Because We Can campaign not only to honour them but also to leave a Stevenson Memorial Hospital legacy to our children and their children. 

Please support our community leaders and donate today!

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