April 25, 2013 · 0 Comments
On April 17, Dr. Kellie Leitch, MP for Simcoe-Grey showed support for MP Cheryl Gallants’ Motion 439 to privatize the functions of the Canadian Firearms Registration System.
“MP Gallant suggested a common sense solution that will eliminate bureaucratic red tape and costs and I fully endorse her motion,” said Dr. Leitch. “This initiative will benefit not only law-abiding sportsmen and farmers, but all taxpayers as well,” she added.
Motion 439 was introduced to the House of Commons today, April 15th. This Motion would;
• Eliminate the costly duplication of having each province manage a separate bureaucracy to administer the firearms registration system.
• Law-abiding sportsmen, hunters and farmers would benefit by having one set of rules rather than the provincial patchwork that currently exists.
• By privatizing the functions, as a civilian agency the office would become administrative and service oriented, to the benefit of all Canadians.
• Law enforcement professionals’ valuable time can be re-directed away from paperwork to more useful tasks such as front-line policing.
For more information go to http://responsiblefirearmsreform.ca