
Liberals plan requires new taxes and massive spending cuts

June 19, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals were elected by a coalition of the beer and popcorn trailer park boys, the wine and cheese sipping, hoity downtown toities and the public sector union bosses masquerading as “working family” liars. Oh that dopey smile Tim Hudak kept wearing didn’t help the Tory cause either. He looked stupid. Let’s face it, people didn’t take to him. They didn’t like him, no matter how logical his cost cutting platform was. The truth hurts. Too many Ontarians who bothered to vote couldn’t accept the truth. Now they are going to learn the hard way. It may have come down to the attention of a few that our newly elected neighbour in Quebec is facing a similar near bankruptcy dilemma as Ontario’s. But Quebec has tabled a new budget to start controlling their debt. It will be a long, painful journey back to fiscal sanity for Quebec. Unlike Quebec, Kathleen Wynne will try to reintroduce the same spendaholic budget she tried to jam through back in May. That looney budget must have been written up by the Tooth Fairy. Even Kathleen Wynne and her spend into oblivion advisors must realize that the debt wall is ever so close and that massive tax increases and deep spending cuts will be necessary. These cuts will be worse than anything Tim Hudak and his Tories proposed. Just you wait and see. You’ll likely be looking at a new tax on beer and popcorn as well as all the other new wonderwimp taxes. Enjoy.

Gord Kinnon, New Tecumseth

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