
Little asks for public input on expanded Warden’s term

April 11, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Adjala–Tosorontio councillor Doug Little  has asked Simcoe County to take another look at its proposal to extend the term of the Warden to four years.

Little, a former long time member of county council, spoke at the public meeting last week which asked for input on doubling the term from the current two years.

“I’m not in favour of the extension. The two year term is long enough. If county council doesn’t like the job that  someone  is doing, then they have the option to look for someone else.”

Little, who said that he was not speaking as an Adjala–Tosorontio councillor, urged county council to defer its decision until it reviewed the matter with the councils of the 16 municipalities who make up Simcoe County and to get some input from the public.

“They should be able looking at keeping the status quo or looking at electing a county warden at large during the municipal election.”

Aware Simcoe vice-chair Kate Harries also asked that the two year term continue.

“A mid term election ensures the warden remains responsive to the wishes of county council and affords the councillors the opportunity to select a new warden if they so choose. We have heard no convincing argument  in favour of a four year term.”

Harries said that Aware Simcoe would like to see the return of an open recorded vote for warden instead of the secret ballot now used in the election.

“We believe this requirement for transparency overrides the desire of county councillors not to offend their fellow councillors not to offend their fellow councillors by voting against them for warden.”

Like Little, AWARE Simcoe has asked for more public input into any changes to the county structure with a series of open houses.

Oro-Medonte councillor Mel Coutanche said that he also supported the retention of the two year term.

By Richard Blanchard


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