May 9, 2013 · 0 Comments
During a recent meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, three separate requests that would enhance the accessibility of New Tecumseth were discussed.
The first request, for an accessible parking spot on Victoria Street West in Alliston, came from South Simcoe Physiotherapy, which requested an accessible parking spot be provided in front of their business.
It was confirmed by Town staff that there is currently no accessible spot in the parking lot behind the business, which is owned by the municipality.
The committee agreed that a spot is needed, and that it should be big enough to accommodate a side loading accessible van.
The second request for accessible parking would benefit the New Tecumseth Recreation Centre.
Committee members noted that although there are already accessible parking spots at the NTRC they are “often unavailable at peak times”.
The committee and staff will investigate the possibility of improved signage at the parking lot and inside the building.
The third request for accessibility came from a concerned Tottenham resident who noted that the only accessible entrance at the Tottenham Mall was through the Beer Store, which has a ramped entrance and an automatic door.
Since the door leads to a private business, it is unavailable when the store is closed, leaving residents with disabilities unable to enter the mall, or the public library branch.
These items have been brought to councils attention.
By Wendy Soloduik