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McDonalds, Dollarama may be coming to Tottenham

October 12, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Tottenham may be seeing some new developments, including a McDonalds restaurant and a Dollarama store.

Prior to the increase in residential development within Tottenham over the past decade, Mcdonalds’ did not consider the town to be a viable option for a restaurant. However, the increase in population in Tottenham and traffic passing through Queen Street and Tottenham Road has made the location a sustainable choice for the restaurant chain.

The Town of New Tecumseth’s committee of adjustment received a consent application for a proposed development on a commercial lot at the corner of Queen Street North and the 5th Line which includes a McDonald’s restaurant and a Dollarama store.

The property currently has the Foodland store and Home Hardware, with the proposed development location mostly vacant.

A motion was approved to permit easements for servicing and access. The committee of adjustment determined the application is consistent with provincial policy and is within the growth plan of the County of Simcoe and Town of New Tecumseth.

The location also complies with zoning bylaws.

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