
Mild weather prompts warning from OPP

April 30, 2014   ·   0 Comments

The OPP Central Region is warning the public to exercise extreme caution near any bodies of water that presently have ice on them. With the mild weather over the past few days and rain in the forecast, ice conditions are literally changing hourly and what appears to be frozen could in fact be ice that is not capable of supporting any weight at all. Chief Superintendent John Tod, Regional Commander of the OPP Central Region is reminding parents to “speak to your children and remind them of the dangers that come with melting ice and the Spring runoff. Not only does the ice become unsafe, but banks along all bodies of water, whether big or small, can become weakened and can pose a threat to people of all ages and pets too.” The advice of the OPP remains very simple “No Ice is Safe Ice”. Please follow this very important public safety message as any ice related rescue has the potential to put the lives of many first responders at great risk.

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