
MPP Wilson and Dunlop to host trades town hall in Tottenham

March 19, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Simcoe-Grey MPP Jim Wilson and PC Training and Apprenticeship Critic MPP Garfield Dunlop will host a town hall meeting to discuss the impact of the Ontario College of Trades with local tradespersons and business on April 4th, 2014 in Tottenham.

“The Liberal government has hit hardworking tradespeople with a ‘trades tax’ that is costing them millions of dollars, with no clear benefit and no accountability,” said Wilson. “Tradespeople already pay for licenses and countless other fees. This is nothing but another tax to fund another government bureaucracy that no one wants for needs and will increase the cost of services across Ontario.”

“Garfield has been very active in the Legislature on this issue,” continued Wilson. “I’m glad that he agreed to visit my riding to hear firsthand how the Liberals ‘trades tax’ is affecting people in Simcoe-Grey.”

Tradespeople and businesses from across Simcoe-Grey are invited to attend. The meeting will take place on Friday, April 4th at 2:30 p.m. at the Tottenham Legion (25 Richmond Street East) Please confirm your attendance by contacting Wilson’s office at 1 (800) 268-7542.

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