
New Tecumseth CAO Terri Caron announces her retirement

April 3, 2014   ·   0 Comments

After a career in municipal government spanning 34 years, Terri Caron advised council on Monday evening that she will be retiring as Chief Administrative Officer/ In House Counsel and will step down following the last scheduled council meeting of this term on August 25, 2014.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the truly dedicated and committed mayors and members of the four councils elected during my 12 years of service to the Town of New Tecumseth. I believe that they have all had the best interests of New Tecumseth at heart,” said Caron. “I have always been treated with respect and have truly appreciated the confidence and trust they have placed in me. Working with such devoted community leaders has allowed me to do my job with enthusiasm and energy.”

The departing CAO is very proud of the many accomplishments that council and staff have achieved together during her tenure as CAO.

“I must also express my deepest thanks to all of my outstanding colleagues who have continuously provided me with their support, wisdom and hard work over the many years we have served the community together,” Caron remarked. “It has been a privilege to work with such an exceptional team of talented and committed professionals.”

The retiring CAO said she is looking forward to devoting more time to her family and friends, as well as reading, music, volunteer work and enjoying her fractional cottage weeks in Muskoka.

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