General News

New Tecumseth’s registration day for camp programming delayed

May 11, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Registration for municipal-run aquatics and day camp programming has been delayed due to issues with the Rotary Pool in Alliston.

The registration day was scheduled for May 2 but has been postponed. There has yet to be a new registration date announced as staff are still working on a way to operate the pool this summer.

The Rotary Pool is experiencing a shortage of qualified lifeguards – a problem experienced by communities across the province. As a result, The Town of New Tecumseth is forced to change the operations at the popular Riverdale Park pool.

The lifeguard shortage results from municipalities and organizations being unable to offer life-guarding courses during the pandemic. The lifeguard shortage is also having impacts on pools around the country.

The Town usually hires around 20 qualified lifeguards during the summer months. This is the number required to offer full services at the pool.

As of April, less than half the number of people needed to fill the roster had been hired. To operate the pool for a leisure swim, there is a minimum of three lifeguards needed for rotation on any shift.

The Town hopes to open the pool on a limited basis, with mid-week swims and limited hours.

Once a new schedule and operating hours have been worked out, the Town will announce a new date for summer camps and activities.

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