
Nottawasaga Foundation donates $10,500 to food banks

April 4, 2013   ·   0 Comments

On Thursday, March 28, 2013, the Nottawasaga Foundation presented a cheque for $10,500 to the Local Food Banks of Alliston, Tottenham, and Angus. Each Food Bank received a $3,500 donation to provide additional support for their continuous efforts throughout the year. Donations, such as these, provide emergency food to those in need and help immensely during the holiday season. We are proud to have raised enough funds from our highly successful Nottawasaga Foundation Annual Charity Golf Fundraiser to provide such support. To date, the Foundation has donated a total of $178,500 or $59,500 to each of the three Food Banks. The Nottawasaga Foundation’s mission is to expand the scope of our funding to include local charities, such as the Local Food Banks, who provide an invaluable service to our community.

Photo by Phil Apperly


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