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Numbers up on the links as golf becomes more popular

June 26, 2020   ·   0 Comments

With many sports either restricted or cancelled this summer, golf centres are seeing a rise in the number of people hitting the links.

While some are long-time players, there has also been a surge in the number of people who are giving the sport a try for the first time.

The fact that golf is by nature a social distancing sport meant it was a among the first sports given the okay by the provincial government to start seeing activity.

Tennis clubs have also been given the green light to start playing on their courts.

While golfers have been taking advantage of the good weather to get in 18 holes, there are also some restrictions when getting out on the course.

Most clubs require reservations for tee times to keep players from congregating and to keep a distance between groups while out on the fairways.

There are also some new protocols when it comes to using golf carts and equipment.

At the Canadiana Country Club and Golf Course, on 9th Line, just outside of Beeton, there was a steady stream of players on Father’s Day.

The Club is following strict guidelines to ensure everyone stays safe on the course.

Currently you have to book your tee time so there isn’t a gathering of people waiting to start at the first hole.

“We were allowed to open in May, but we opened a little later than was officially allowed,” explained Tatiana, Manager at the Canadiana Club. “We weren’t ready yet,” she explained of getting the Club ready with the new restrictions in place. “Players can’t touch anything on the course. We lifted the holes and you can’t touch the flags on the greens.”

Golf clubs have installed spacers that raise the cup over the hole on the green. If your ball hits the lip of the cup, it considered to have gone in.

This is to restrict multiple players putting their hands in the hole and possibly spreading the virus.

“We only allowing four people at a time and they have to maintain physical distancing on the course,” Tatiana said.

Running a golf course, Tatiana said, requires more work with all the restrictions in place.

“We have to disinfect each push cart. [There are] additional expenses to make sure everything is disinfected. We have additional staff doing the disinfecting. We don’t have club rentals right now. The putting green was closed for a while but it is open now. We only allow four people at a time and they have to keep their distance.”

Most likely the restrictions will be in place for the remainder of the season in Ontario.

At least spending a day on the golf course will get you out in the fresh air and socializing while many sports will not be allowed to take place this summer.

By Brian Lockhart

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