April 25, 2013 · 0 Comments
• NVCA updates watershed health reporting: Conservation Authorities in Ontario first piloted watershed health “report cards” more than 10 years ago, to ensure watershed health conditions were communicated clearly to the public. The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Area produced its first report cards in 2007 and by 2008 had released report cards for all nine subwatersheds, reporting on surface water quality, forest cover and wetland conditions. Updates are scheduled to occur every five years.
The newest round of reports were provided to the Board of Directors at the March meeting for review and input before their release in June 2013. They have been expanded to include assessments of groundwater and stewardship activities.
The 2013 reports are titled “Subwatershed Health Checks” and they provide detailed information on subwatershed health, past stewardship initiatives and recommendations for future protection and restoration. The Health Checks are intended to supplement the provincial level “Watershed Report Cards” by providing technical support and local management detail. The Watershed Report Cards were released during Water Week (March 18-22) 2013 and they too will be released every five years, providing a more high-level review of general trends.
• Lease renewals approved: The NVCA owns approximately 12,000 acres of land in the watershed for the purposes of recreation, conservation and scientific study. Some portions are leased to third parties for purposes including recreation (such as parks and campgrounds), cultural activities and agriculture. These leases are usually up for renewal every five years at an annual fee increase of 3% plus HST.
At the March meeting, the Board of Directors approved the following lease renewals on NVCA properties: property within the New Lowell Conservation Area to Jane and Wally Ivits for recreational purposes; property within the Minesing Wetlands Conservation Area for agricultural use; and property within an area known as Riverdale Park to the Town of New Tecumseth for recreational purposes.
• Deputation made on Ardagh West Secondary Plan: The Board of Directors heard a deputation from representatives of Azimuth Environmental Consulting Inc. with regard to a planned development in the Ardagh West Secondary Plan, on property owned by 1442968 Ontario Limited. Staff were directed to continue to work with the City of Barrie Planning staff and the developer’s consultant to address the matters raised at the deputation. NVCA staff are to report back to the Board regarding progress on this application.
• Per diems and mileage increased: Staff received the Board of Directors’ permission to seek approval of the Ontario Municipal Board to apply a cost of living increase to NVCA members’ per diems of 1.5% (reflecting the rate of inflation), effective January 1, 2013. The per diem was last adjusted in 2008. The mileage reimbursement rate will also be increased for Board members and staff by one cent per kilometre, effective January 1, 2013, consistent with the Federal Department of Finance rate.
• Policies updated: NVCA Policy and Procedures documents are being reviewed and updated, and new policies are being drafted as required, to reflect changing corporate structure, job titles, practices and legislation. The Board approved two new policies: Work in Extreme Heat and Cold and Records Retention; as well as amendments to three policies: Bereavement Leave, Overtime and Purchase of Goods & Services.