June 1, 2013 · 0 Comments
Dear editor:
I would like once more to visit the subject of the ward system. It was Councillor Norcross that recently brought the subject up and suggested that it be again addressed after the forthcoming 2014 election. I agree with Councillor Norcross but feel that it should be addressed prior to the 2014 election Norcross has not said but probably realizes as he is a perceptive thinker that this is a time bomb and should be discussed by council as soon as possible. Leaving it for a 6 year period will be too late to change things and it is very possible that Alliston as a result will lose control of the town.
If we do nothing and allow nature to take its course what will likely happen? Well presently we are going to build 1800 houses in Treetops and in Tottenham in areas classed as rural. There is also the OMB hearing on the Cappuccity development for 15,000 homes. Assuming no action is taken this will result in a large increase in Ward 5 and 7 instead of increasing Ward 8 and returning to them the seat that they lost.
If the OMB hearing rules in favor of the developers Ward 5 will have a population large enough to out vote Alliston on nearly everything. It alone will be able to determine who occupies the chairs of Mayor and Deputy-Mayor as Ward 5’s population could top 45,000. It could spell “fini” to any development plans that Alliston has. It therefore becomes imperative that consideration be given as to how in future the Mayoralty officers be selected.
Gord McInnes has suggested that to hold the office one must win in the majority of Wards; I have advocated that the councillors select these officers from amongst themselves. What we must avoid is creating another group that will control the town. There must be other solutions and now is the time that they should be cussed and discussed and implemented.
Could a population increase in New Tecumseth from around 28,000 to 50,000 or 100,000 change things? You bet it would make the severance of Simcoe-Grey into Simcoe-Grey North and South almost a certainty. It is going to be rather interesting to see whether or not council sits back and makes no attempt to shape its own future. However, remember folks we are all occupying the deck chairs on board the Titanic.
Tom Carter