August 5, 2022 · 0 Comments
The Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation received a donation of $5,300 from the Peggy Hill Team that will go toward the “Because of you, we can” campaign in support of the hospital redevelopment.
Peggy Hill donated $100 from the sale of each home in Alliston during the month of June.
“Our team is dedicated to supporting the communities they live and work in,” said Peggy Hill. “We are thrilled to give back to community health care through the Realtor Challenge. The Peggy Hill Team is proud to invest in Stevenson Memorial hospital and the Because of you, we can, campaign.”
The Realtor Challenge encourages people in the local real estate industry to step up and contribute to the campaign through various fundraising methods.
“We are grateful that the Peggy Hill Team joined the Community Realtor Challenge and generously chose to give back to community health care through this initiative in the month of June,” said Mary Thomas, CEO, Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation. “This kind of support has helped us reach over 65 per cent of our goal for the ‘Because of you, we can’ campaign. Thanks to Peggy Hill Team we are well on our way to transforming Stevenson and providing our communities with more of the high-quality health care our residents have come to expect.”
The ‘Because of you, we can’ campaign is a $43 million campaign supporting the redevelopment of Stevenson Memorial Hospital.
By Brian Lockhart