
Police save three young boys from ice

April 9, 2014   ·   0 Comments

On April 2, at 6:05 p.m., an officer from the Nottawasaga OPP was driving into the Alliston detachment at the end of his shift when he noticed a young male walking towards the driveway.

The young male had no coat or boots and was in a weakened state, unable to talk, his legs were cramping and he was hypothermic. The young 12 year old male was with two other friends and he managed to get to the police detachment to tell police his two friends were trapped in the ice and mud off the Albert Street extension.

The three boys were biking and decided to take a short cut, within minutes they were in waist-high water and mud, their boots became stuck in the mud, their bicycles were also stuck and they were trapped by the deep water, ice and mud. They estimate they were there for two hours before the 12-year-old was able to break free.

Officers approached by foot, going through mud, ice and water up to their waists to rescue the two 11 year old boys. Both boys had to be carried out by Police due to their hypothermic state and exhaustion.

Police brought the boys into the detachment and started to get them warmed slowly also contacting Simcoe County Paramedics who attended and treated the boys at detachment.

For a group of about 18 young Girl Guide Sparks who were at the detachment for tour watching this event take place, the message of ice safety was never clearer!

All three boys were treated for mild-moderate hypothermia and released to their thankful parents.

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