April 18, 2013 · 0 Comments
With another busy summer approaching, Ontario drivers are reminded to clear the way for emergency vehicles by slowing down and moving over.
Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, since 2009, has required, since 2009, that drivers slow down and proceed with caution when approaching a stopped police car, fire vehicle or ambulance with emergency lights flashing.
Drivers must slow down and move left with caution. If the highway has two or more lanes, drivers must slow down and also move over into another lane, if it is safe to do so.
If approached from behind by an emergency services vehicle with its lights flashing, motorists must pull to the right and stop to allow the emergency vehicle to pass safely.
Please remember the Move Over Law and keep emergency services personnel safe on our highways, or:
• first offence – $400 plus 3 demerit points upon conviction
• second offence (within 5 years) – $1,000 to $4,000, possible jail time up to 6 months and possible suspension of driver’s licence for up to 2 years.