
Remembering Deuce: Story Dog and friend

July 12, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Deuce was not the average Rottweiler. For that matter, Deuce was not the average dog. Deuce was a Story Dog with a gentle spirit and since his passing last month he has been missed by many.

Deuce was rescued by Beeton residents Allister McKechnie and Marissa Czaplewski from the Humane Society in Newmarket, where Allister worked as a volunteer, in 2007. Having fallen in love with the 2 year old Rottweiler immediately, Allister recognized a special quality in the dog. Deuce was loving and gentle and great with children. Although he had owned Rottweilers before (Buster, a Rottweiler/Shepperd cross), Allister had found a new companion and brought the dog home.

Marissa also fell in love with the new family pet and wanted to share Deuce’s gifts with the community.

In 2010 Deuce started training to become Story Dog. The course took place at the Beeton Branch of the New Tecumseth Public Library (D.A. Jones Branch) and Deuce was one of 9 dogs to take the program.

To ensure Deuce was not startled easily, plates were broken in front of him and Marissa was run at aggressively by Story Dogs coordinator Caroline Milne. Deuce did not flinch. Happy and content he watched with interest, but was not bothered by the noise. Deuce was a fit. He was one of only 3 dogs deemed “worthy” enough to become a Story Dog.

With the paperwork and liability forms in place, Deuce started within a week, spending time with children who had difficulty learning to read through traditional methods.

With Deuce at their side, local children felt at ease and were able to pick up new skills in the safe presence of their friend, Deuce the Story Dog.

One student in particular, Olivia Chirrey, a then Grade 1 student at Tottenham Public School, formed an immediate connection with Deuce. Her parents, Monique and Richard Chirrey, were so thrilled with the progress Olivia was making reading to Deuce, that the whole family came to meet the dog in person. Taking pictures and even submitting a ‘Letter to the editor’ for our July 12, 2012 edition, praising Deuce and their daughter.

Marissa would spend hours each week, taking Deuce to his Story Dog appointments in Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham for the next three weeks. Where ever he went, Deuce was adored, and praised for his manners.

Sadly, last month Deuce became ill. He was diagnosed with lymph node cancer which had metastasized to his blood by the time it was discovered.

The once 130 lbs. Rotti was down almost 40 pounds and his parents, Allister and Marissa, knew what they had to do. Deuce is now in doggie heaven and his cremated remains are safe with his family.

Deuce the Story Dog will be remembered for his service to this community and for how much he gave to the children of New Tecumseth.

At home, Deuce will be remembered for his singing ability, often howling like a wolf when his favorite song came on, “We will Rock You” by Queen.

“He was so good and he put so much back into society,” Allister told the Times. “It’s like we’ve lost a family member.”

To find out more about the Story Dogs program or apply for a Story Dog for your child visit

By Wendy Soloduik


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