
Rhubarb and strawberry aren’t the best types of “jam”

June 27, 2013   ·   0 Comments

With the Shelburne Open Old Time Fiddle Championship fast approaching thoughts turn to good old country toe-tapping music. This annual event, which is in its 63rd year, takes place the second weekend of August and attracts Canada’s top fiddle players.

But, you don’t have to wait until August for some fiddling fun. There are year-round music and dance gatherings in Bond Head, Bolton, Dundalk, Thornton and Rosemont, to name a few.

David Aspenlieder founded the Rosemont Fiddle club which meets at the historic Orange Hall in Rosemont. (He also welcomes musicians and music lovers to his home near Everett for impromptu, he joked, “rhubarb, strawberry, and music jam.”

This month, he was hard at work at the hall setting up the sound system for the upcoming event.  He credits the hard work of the members for the group’s success.

Most people who attend  the gatherings pack an instrument, ready to show their flair. Some come to listen, like the woman knitting a few rows while taking in the show.

Piano, banjo, mandolin, guitar, and fiddle are featured instruments; played and sung to the rythmns of country, east coast, and old-time fiddle music. What is the difference between a fiddle and a violin? They are identical instruments; the term fiddle refers to the style of music played.

On a recent evening, as sunlight streaked through the old windows into the dark hall, a man played the harmonica and softly sang ‘A Single Maple Leaf’ to show his love for Canada. There were waltzes and square dances led by Ed Elliotson. “Ladies to the centre…” he directed as he guided the dancers through the basics of the ‘Texas Star’. A group of 8 makes one square; three squares fill the hall.

Elliotson participated in square dance competitions at the Royal Winter Fair and Dundalk and later became a square dance caller. He is also a fiddler, president of the Bond Head Fiddle club and a Scottish Country dancer. The Scottish dance group meets at Knox Presbyterian Church in Alliston every Friday.

The Rosemont Fiddle club meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month except July, August and December. Admission is $4. All are welcome. For more information call David Aspenlieder 705-435-9753.

There are 50/50 draws and door prizes at each gathering. Often one lucky person takes home a dozen eggs provided by David of the Globe Restaurant. How country is that?

By Penny Gilbertson

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