May 9, 2013 · 0 Comments
As the weather warms up, there will be a greater number of farm vehicles on our local roadways. Farmers will be preparing their fields for the upcoming planting season. With farm equipment on the roadways, safety is a concern.
Safety considerations for drivers on rural roads:
• Slow Down As soon as you see farm equipment on the roadway, slow down, keep your distance and assess the situation.
• Do not pass until you are positive it is safe to do so and that the way is clear. Watch the operator to make sure that he is aware of your intent to pass.
• Watch for flashing amber lights Amber lights often mark the far right and left of the farm equipment.
• Watch for hand signals The tractor operator may have to use hand signals to indicate his movement. The tractor operator will also have a higher vantage point than you.
Safety consideration for farmers on roadways:
• Visibility Check all lights to make sure they are clean and working. Keep lights flashing, even in the daytime.
• Slow moving vehicle sign The slow moving vehicle sign must be clean, bright, and properly mounted.
• Speed Control Travel at a speed that will allow you to maintain full control of your vehicle at all times.
• Signals Always signal your turns. Make sure that everyone knows your intended movement.
• Safety Equipment Make sure all safety equipment and chains are properly attached. Check before entering the roadway.
Difference in the speed is one of the main causes of collisions involving farm equipment and other traffic. Motorists approach a slow moving vehicle so quickly that there are only a few moments to identify the hazard and react appropriately.
Drivers should slow down and drive at an appropriate speed. Farmers should have their equipment visible and in proper working order.