
Show me the money

August 15, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

Although I am grateful for the country in which I live and admire anyone who is prepared to give up their free time and family time to become a politician, be it federal, provincial or municipal, I have a few complaints.

Starting here at home in New Tecumseth I was totally astonished to learn from a letter to the editor that our municipality would go to Brantford to purchase vehicles to save a few dollars.  Now anyone that knows me knows I am quite conservative and don’t like government waste.  But when we have some of the finest car dealerships in the province right here at home it’s hard to justify this decision.

Trillium Ford probably puts as much into this town in sponsorships, donations, and promotion as any business in town.  Now I don’t know how many pickup trucks the Town purchases per year, even though if you look at the amount on the road one would think a truck is purchased for every employee, it should not be more than a half dozen.  If it saved $500 per that is a grand saving of $3000.  I, myself, pay almost $15000. per year in property taxes so in the scheme of things $3000. is not a huge saving.  And if they get a lemon who gets to service these vehicles, someone in Brantford or Trillium which lost out on the tender?

The other thing bugging me right now is the renting, by the Town, of our ice facilities to a foreign, out of town, group to ice a so-called junior team to compete with our own Alliston Hornets.  By competing I mean for gate receipts and the best ice time available.

This “junior A” team as they label it, if it’s like the rest of the teams in this independent league – they play outside of the auspices of Hockey Canada – it will not be more than a glorified midget team.  Most of the players, if not all, come from Europe and the team is run by Europeans.  I was informed by an OHA official that when this group approached Orangeville for ice rental they were told to hit the road.  Good on Orangeville.

If our Town is that hard up for cash maybe it should take a look at some of its expenditures. Show me the budget.  I bet I could save it thousands of dollars.

John Archibald



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