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Simcoe County Archives available for on-line booking

June 9, 2022   ·   0 Comments

If you want to search your family tree or just learn about local history, the Simcoe County Archives is launching a new on-line archive booking service.

Researchers and the general public can now book an appointment on-line to access the archives as well as get archival staff assistance.

The Simcoe County Archives manages the permanent records of both the County of Simcoe and its member municipalities.

The Archives document the collective memory of the County by acquiring and preserving the historical record in all recording media.

The documents are available to the public for research purposes.

If you would like access to the archives, you can book a place on-line for the following purposes:

Reference interviews can be scheduled with archives staff to discuss potential research topics. Staff can suggest relevant collections and reference material to hep research a topic. These appointments can be conducted via telephone or the internet.

Donor interviews – The County houses resources that have been donated by families and private businesses as well as government offices. They discuss the donation of items to the County Archives, phone or virtual meetings can be booked on-line. In-person donation drop-off appointments can be booked on-line following a virtual donor interview.

From Monday, June 6, to Friday, June 10, the County will celebrate the fourth International Archives Week.

This year’s theme will be “Archives are You.” The theme demonstrates how and why the archives represent everyone.

Archives Week is about the professional practices and standards of archivists and staff.

Archives contain the stories of individuals past and present and help us understand who we are and where we come from.

Appointments to access the archives on-line can be made at

By Brian Lockhart

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