
SMH Board of Directors accepts resignation

July 9, 2014   ·   0 Comments

The Stevenson Memorial Hospital Board of Directors last night accepted the resignation of Dr. Glasine Lawson, effective September 1, 2014.

“I would like to sincerely thank Dr. Lawson for her contributions to Stevenson as we worked to rejuvenate our program and ensure that women in our community continue to have access to high-quality obstetrical and gynecological services,” said Jody Levac, President and CEO at Stevenson.

The number of births at Stevenson has been increasing annually since Lawson joined the team in 2008, topping 350 last year.

“While the departure of Dr. Lawson is a loss to the Maternal Child Program at Stevenson, providing high quality birthing services remains our priority,” said Dr. Oswaldo Ramirez, Chief of Staff. “We have experienced tremendous upward momentum and impressive progress over the past few years and would like to extend our thanks to Dr. Lawson for her dedication and professionalism. We wish her all the best.”

Dr. Ramirez is currently working on a transition plan and a recruitment strategy to replace Dr. Lawson. While patients may see some new faces at the hospital, the community can expect the same high quality service.

“We have established a specialized care team for newborns, with a roster of highly trained physicians and we do not anticipate any interruptions to our service. Also, our midwives are doing an amazing job currently managing over a third of our deliveries,” Ramirez said.

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