
Snowbanks and kids

February 19, 2014   ·   0 Comments

The massive amounts of snow we have received this winter have caused us all sorts of grief. From bad driving conditions to having to shovel our driveways repeatedly, all of this snow has meant some very large snowbanks have built up on the side of streets and driveways. While these large snowbanks can be a hindrance when reversing out of your driveway, they have a more subtle danger.

Kids love snow; playing, building, throwing snowballs. When large snowbanks exist, the temptation to builds snowforts and tunnels can be hard to overcome. Tunneling in snowbanks is extremely dangerous. Snow from the road is mixed with sand and salt, and can decompose at any time. Fluctuations in temperature can cause a tunnel cave in, trapping kids inside. Suffocation is a real danger and even if they can breathe, hypothermia can set in in minutes. Plows can come by at any time to cut back or add to the snowbanks, even on days without snowfall. A child could be trapped or hit by the snowplow if playing too close to the road.

Remind your children of the dangers of tunneling in snowbanks, the dangers of playing next to the road, and the need for common sense. Supervise your kids at play, and let’s not have a tragedy.

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