
Stevenson Hospital Foundation campaign entering final phase

April 24, 2014   ·   0 Comments

The Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation is moving toward the final push to realize the goal of raising $2.76 million through the ‘It takes you… Campaign’ which provides Stevenson Memorial Hospital with new equipment.

The Campaign was launched in January 2013, and began with a successful on-line event that raised $19,350 by auctioning an automobile. Since then, the Foundation has been successful in their fundraising efforts through events such as the Foundation Gala 2013, held at the Nottawasaga Resort, which raised over $200,000, and donations from organizations, businesses and private individuals. The Foundation is now working on the final phase of this fundraising effort with $220,000 needed to complete the goal of raising the full amount of $2.76 million.

The majority of Hospital capital expenses, such as equipment, are not funded through government programs and must be supplied through local fundraising efforts.

The Foundation works to meet the needs of the hospital as requested through the Hospital Board on recommendations from Hospital staff and administrators. “Reaching the target of $2.76 million is soon to be a reality!” Said Marg Barber, Chair of the It takes you… Campaign.

“With a donation towards the final $220,000 you will help achieve the Campaign goal. Your donation means new equipment and services for your hospital.” For local residents, having a modern well equipped hospital in Alliston means having important healthcare services in the right place at the right time. Briar Hill resident Bill Jones, suffered an at-home injury recently, and praised the service and convenience of being treated at Stevenson’s new Fracture Clinic which was supplied with equipment raised through the Campaign.

“I was looked at right away,” Mr. Jones said. The convenience of having a local clinic made his follow-up visits “much easier and less time consuming” than having to travel to another centre for treatment.

There will be another opportunity for the public to contribute during the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Tag Day to be held on Friday, May 2, 2014. Members of the Auxiliary will be available wearing their blue vests outside of many local business in the communities of Alliston, Angus, Beeton, Cookstown, and Tottenham from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Last year this event had 62 volunteers and raise over $4,700. All the money raised from the Auxiliary Tag Day will be directed towards their commitment to the It takes you… Campaign.

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