April 18, 2013 · 0 Comments
Dear editor:
Say folks have you seen the Sunshine List; heaven help us if any of these members of the administration reach the Sunburn List. This is the remuneration list for working for the Town of New Tecumseth when it reaches the stratosphere. These are the people that are really getting the money; it is the opposite to the Lollipop List. You know; it’s us the suckers that are picking up the tab.
According to published records our CAO in 2010 was payed $148,332.93 a very nice salary indeed, however by 2011 it was increased to $170,376.93 plus benefits of $14,155.96 still underpaid for services rendered to the town her salary was increased in 2012 to $181,065.00 plus benefits of $14,318.00. A mere 22.06% over 3 years how does this compare to your annual wage increase particularly if you are retired. This in all probability is for the supply of a car and fuel to drive to work each day. If you travel to work in Toronto each day does council extend to you these type of travel benefits. Council under the direction of the Mayor has voted for all the Sunshine List benevolence without asking a question. If you think this is a joke stop laughing because you are picking up the tab. If you ask about this situation you will be told that the CAO is also a qualified in-house lawyer and her salary is shared between the two. Surely if we want to hire a CAO we don’t care how many other qualifications she has. If you are hired to flip hamburgers at McDonald’s they don’t pay more for, or care if you also have a PHD.
Over the last year or so we have had a lot of unfortunate experiences; the attempt to tear down the Memorial Arena, the new arena and all its problems including the transfer of the Hornets Nest and liquor license, the two thirds of a million dollar MacDonald suit and to top it all off the Drainsville Statement of Claim which could cost over a million dollars in costs and legal fees by the time it is settled. On whose legal advice did we land up in all these jackpots?
The tragedy of this situation is that so long as you have a roof over your head and food on the table no one in New Tecumseth cares as to what’s happening in your town.
Tom Carter