
Thanks for coming out to the Beeton Fall Fair!

September 26, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

On behalf of the Beeton & District Agricultural Society I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who had a hand in making it a great 157th Beeton Fall Fair. A successful Fair is largely due to the hard work of our members and volunteers. Without them this event could not continue.  Coupled with the dedication of our members and volunteers is the community spirit and generosity which we have experienced year after year.  I want to thank everyone who attended to support our events, bringing with them their friends, families and encouragement. Thank you to the various media outlets in our community who helped publicize the Fair. Thank you also to our many sponsors who have been generous with their time, money and equipment. I thank Marianne DenHaan who graciously gave the opening remarks to officially open the 2013 Fair. This year’s theme was “Today’s Farmer”. Our intent was to highlight the fact that there are far fewer farmers working the land today, but with all the innovations in machinery, seeds and breeds of animals, they can produce much more than they ever could before.

Despite the cold temperature Friday night, both the Midway and the entertainment by local bands went well. Look for more music next year on the Friday night. I hope you had a chance to enjoy the Paxton Orchestra, ride the Polar Express or maybe you warmed up by throwing a bale of straw.  On Saturday, after the parade, there was much fun to be had at Tom Bishop’s 4B Wild West Show, the ATV pull, the spelling bee, the baby contest, time at the food booths, the Kids Zone, Team K-9, just to name a few of the events.  I expect you took the time to see the livestock, enter some draws, ride some rides, look over the vendor’s wares, play some euchre, pet a cow and catch the movie in the park Saturday night. I hope you noticed the vast number of exhibits in the arena and all the talented entries submitted. After the Church Service on Sunday, you then had the opportunity to enjoy the classic car show and the demolition derby which were entertaining and a pleasure to be a part of. Please remember that new members and volunteers are always welcome.  You can contact the Fair Office at 905-729-2225 or email us at for more information or inquiries.

I hope to see you again next year when the theme will be ‘The Plough’. To all who helped, participated and attended this year’s Fair, I thank you.

RJ Mayberry


Beeton & District

Agricultural Society

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