
Traffic tip: speed and stopping distance

May 24, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Police officers are often asked, “How fast can I go before I get a ticket?” The answer to this question can vary. Since the posted sign reads maximum speed, the truth is none. The reality is quite different, as volume of traffic, weather conditions and other factors affect traffic.

There is one factor you should consider when choosing a speed, and that’s stopping distance. A motor vehicle travelling at 50 km/h will normally take 34 meters of road to stop. The same car at 100 km/h will need 94 meters to come to a halt.

Therefore, if you double your speed, you triple your stopping distance.

Poor road conditions can make that even worse. We all know icy roads make driving difficult, but even on dry, flat asphalt; a simple 5 km/h increase can mean a whole extra car length.

So next time you wonder how fast you can travel safely, don’t consider a ticket or demerit points. Think about the life you may save by slowing down.

Remember, it only takes one second for bad things to happen to good people. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility.

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