
Trail development – a personal note

April 3, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Dear editor:

There are many opinions regarding the development of the Trans Canada Trail from Beeton north.  It must be noted that there are personal opinions on record which have been counted, tabulated and recorded.  The Leisure and Culture Master Plan for New Tecumseth has done public surveys and the results are conclusive.

The largest group made up 85 per cent of those surveyed.  They participated in walking and hiking. The second largest group participated in bicycling. 66 per cent of all the people surveyed believe the municipality should develop trails which support such activities.

Many neighbouring communities have developed walking trails and continue to see future expansion and development of such trails as a priority.

Walking, hiking and biking are the only primary leisure activities in which the user gets to schedule it to suit their timetable not some other schedule.  Also, there are many health benefits to walking. It lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes; keeps weight in check; helps prevent dementia and it is a happy, energetic social activity which is good for any age…young and old!

The New Tecumseth Leisure and Culture Master Plan Survey concluded that “walking is the most important type of exercise available across a wide range of ages.”

At this time, New Tecumseth qualifies for Trans Canada Trail and Pan Am Legacy Funding but only if the trail is off roads.  Following the Rail Trail is the best route.

Wayne Callan,


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