
Trail users will treat farmers’ fields with respect in New Tec

March 26, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Re: Letter to Ward 7 Councillor Bruce Haire and Mayor Mike MacEachern

Dear Bruce and Mike,

I am writing to you to express my strong support for the expansion of the Trans Canada Trail through New Tecumseth.  I look forward to connecting our community to this wonderful trail system in the very near future. The benefits to our community are numerous; the creation of additional green space, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, greater connection to nature and the environment, etc.

I have personally enjoyed hiking on other parts of the Trans Canada Trail on a regular basis with my family and our dogs. In addition, I have hiked extensively in England, Wales, Australia and New Zealand where they have similar extensive trail systems, often directly ON farmer’s property, not just adjacent to it, which are enjoyed extensively and treated respectfully.

I myself am a farmer, and my property is adjacent to the hydro corridor just west of the 15th Sideroad. As a result of my farm’s proximity to the hydro corridor, I often have snowmobiles cross my property in the winter.  Although most of these snowmobilers do not have my permission to use my property, as long as they stay away from my livestock and do not cross the property when the snow is melting and my crops are at risk, I really see no harm in their activity, and the majority do so.

The intended use of the trail considered would be far less invasive than snowmobiles (I believe that most of the trail excludes motorized vehicles).  I really struggle to understand the “concerns” of the affected farmers. I am also extremely dismayed that Councillor Jebb has been so quick to cave in to these “concerns”. Do the interests of the other 28,000 inhabitants of New Tecumseth not warrant consideration?

Further, I feel that it is an embarrassment to our community that we are one of the main gaps in the Trans Canada Trail!  I am confident that thousands of other farmers in other parts of the country have been able to cope with the trail in their community, and I am confident that our farmers with adjacent properties will learn to do the same.

I urge you not to succumb to the demands of a minority and please bring the Trans Canada Trail to New Tecumseth.

Thank you for your attention to this issue; I look forward to seeing you at the council meeting on April 7th.

Naomi Simpson


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